Car Wars Double Drum Playmat

A 4' by 6' neoprene playmat for Car Wars Sixth Edition
Price $100
Stock # SJG2433
March 2022

A fan-favorite arena, rebuilt for the newest edition of the classic game of automotive combat!

Fresh off a successful Indiegogo campaign, we're opening this playmat up for pre-order for a limited time! Don't miss another chance to have this arena on your table at this special pre-order price!


The original 1988 arena design has been updated to suit Car Wars Sixth Edition and measures a whopping 4' x 6'! The Double Drum Playmat has been re-sized, redesigned, and crafted especially for Car Wars Sixth Edition – we've eliminated the entrances and stands and modified the shape.

The basic Car Wars Sixth Edition game is usually played on a 3' x 3' arena or roadway, giving the players just enough room to vroom and boom their way to victory. However, as the game reaches more and more tabletops, we've heard many of you ask for larger playing surfaces. Here it is – our largest official playmat to date!

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